Wednesday, July 6, 2011

150: Point of Rocks


Today the kids and I met up with some friends at Point of Rocks Park on the Appamatox River. Not only does this park have one of the coolest names I've ever heard applied to a county park, there is a gigantic playground area and, as if that weren't enough, a nature trail that includes a boardwalk through a marsh.

I don't normally include nature-y photos here, especially ones that include absolutely no blue to speak of. But the exotic beauty of this marsh as a tremendous thunderstorm blew in was breathtaking beyond the normal nature-y stuff and worthy of breaking one my rules.


  1. Include whatever you want! There's plenty of blue in those clouds, despite the silver lining.

    I read about Virginia native Cy Twombly today. He passed away yesterday. I'm horribly lacking in art education, so I hadn't heard of him before this. I'm not sure I like most of what I've seen of his in this short review over the filter of a computer. I do like some of it. What I definitely like is his attitude of creating what he wanted to create without giving a damn about the critics when they panned him as a hack. It sounds like he also equally didn't give a damn when one of his works sold for 5.6 million. I'd take that with a grain of salt but both seem like good lessons to me.

  2. that park looks awesome!
    and i agree with charles~ plenty shades of blue in the sky. ;-)

  3. I especially like the photo of the boardwalk through the lush green wetlands.

  4. The sky is blue! :)
