Wednesday, April 13, 2011

66: Loading the Kiln

I helped finish loading the kiln for the glaze firing this morning. The kiln ran all day and by late afternoon, it was  a cool 2000 degrees Celsius. Makes for a toasty classroom. I'm so excited to see how it all turned out tomorrow morning!

I'm beginning to feel more comfortable photographing the students, teacher and volunteers. There is, of course, the old performance anxiety to contend with, as well as privacy stipulations for the students. That means hands, backs, silhouettes and the like are all free game, but no identifiable images of the students. Always a new challenge to meet!


This is the instruction period at the beginning of one class. Here the art teacher is going over rolling out a slab of clay for cutting out more tiles. Only two more days to create enough tiles to cover four 3'x5' murals! Good thing these kids work fast.


  1. What a neat project, it's nice to see some kids getting their hands dirty and making some art. Takes me back to my old high school art classes, and wish I had taken advantage of the ceramics more when I had the chance.

  2. It has been so much fun working with the kids, and I have spent a lot of time reminiscing about my old art classes!
