Tuesday, April 26, 2011

79: Three Trees

This gives some sense of the number of hands involved and the busy pace of this fantastic project. 

We started the third panel today!

The Spring panel at the end of its fourth day, with detail shots below.

Fall panel at the end of its third day, with a detail shot below. You can see we are picking up speed!

This is the Summer panel at the end of its very first day!

Saw this while running an errand this evening. I thought the confluence of the stop sign and the handlettered "If you witnessed a bicycle accident" sign interesting.


  1. Wow! Now I feel like I can see the scope of the project. Very cool! Neat how the kids are picking up speed as they get a feel for laying the tile.

    Love the water drops, and the frog pond.

  2. So fun to watch this process!
